Scottish Widows
My first contract role, I joined the Pension Innovation Lab in Edinburgh, working wtih Designit.
As the Lead UI Designer, I arrived to find the two seperate teams within the Lab had been using their own fairly unique design standards, neither of which sat well with the then forthcoming new Scottish Widows public site (a project I worked on while still at Realise), so I was tasked with creating a UI Kit and Pattern Library that would bring the two pension platform projects together into a single, unified style that would sit well with the public version, without requiring what was already built to be dispossed of.
This was relatively tricky, both from a technical point of view and a personal one, as a new team member entering and trying to change the work of others who were already there! In the end we succeeded however, with some of the new Lab design language even filtering through into the public site.
Alongside this I worked on a new pension calculator that would be available after customers had logged in to their accounts, I worked across all aspects of this project, from planning meetings, to UX and user testing, not just the UI. Again this wasn’t just a design challenge, with a significant number of stakeholders all with differing views and goals to manage, we managed to deliver a novel solution that was designed to reflect the changed nature of the businesses customers since the advent of auto enrollment, and encourage those making minimal contributions to persist, and, if possible, increase their savings level.